​​​​​​​​​​​Harriet Spitzer-Picker



Asthma and allergies don't have to hold you back from doing the things you like to do. 

Harriet can help!

IEP/504 Advocate

Harriet works with parents and caregivers of students with disabilities navigate the confusing and complicated educational process. Harriet is deeply familiar with the policies and procedures of Nassau County and New York City school Districts.  Harriet has participated in dozens of these types of meetings.  Harriet's role is to ensure that each students’ individual needs are properly addressed. Harriet works to create a positive and collaborative relationship with all involved parties. Harriet has strong experience in advocacy for high functioning students who often fall through cracks.

​Harriet will:

  • Review reports and recommendations.
  • Advise families on policy and procedures.
  • Advocate for students with asthma and food allergies. 
  • Advocate for 2E (Twice exceptional students) 
  • Advocate for children with dysgraphia, dyscalculia and more. 

Asthma Education

Harriet can instruct you not only about your medications and their side effects, but also explain to you how to use any delivery device for your asthma medication such as an inhaler or nebulizer. I will work with you and your doctor to successfully implement your asthma action plan.

Harriet is a Certified Asthma Educator (AE-C). An AE-C is an expert in teaching, educating, and counseling individuals with asthma and their families in the knowledge and skills necessary to minimize the impact of asthma on their quality of life.

There are only about 100 Certified Asthma Educators in New York State. As an AE-C, Harriet is required to:

  • Be knowledgeable about objective and subjective evaluations used to diagnose asthma and assess its control.
  • Capably instruct individuals with asthma on the optimal use of medications and delivery devices particularly explaining technical concepts to individuals in plain language each can understand.
  • Work with an individual with asthma, his/her family, and other healthcare professionals to develop, implement, monitor, and revise an asthma action plan customized to the individual's needs, environment, disease severity, and lifestyle to optimize the individual's self-management skills.
  • Monitor asthma education program outcomes and recommends modifications to improve quality of life and effectiveness. In addition to Harriet's strong asthma education credentials,

Food Allergy Coaching

Harriet will guide you through the challenging path that food allergies present. We will work together to ensure you or your child are kept safe, while participating in all that life has to offer.

The striking increase in food allergies has placed many parents and children in a sudden world-changing situation. Many are overcome with fear and have numerous questions. As a food allergy coach, Harriet can help you by:

  • Creating a patient plan to cover every situation.
  • Helping with the necessary forms and procedures required for working with schools.
  • Teaching the skills needed to communicate with others about food allergies.
  • Providing access to the resources needed for ongoing support including books, websites, and support groups.